Jessica Barnett

Front-end Web Designer and Developer


Hello there!


I'm a Junior Front-End Developer based in Philadelphia.

My ideal work-day is a day well spent on a challenging project that pushes me to the boundaries of my technical knowledge, and beyond. I love coding in javascript, especially object-oriented javascript. I'm at my best when working on responsive sites, game-like interactions based on javascript or CSS, CSS3 animations and transitions, and designing svg vector graphics.



digital pet icons

Build A Thing

A somewhat useless but still fun demo web app I've been working on as an example of what I can do with HTML/CSS/Javascript. The site is fully functional and fully responsive. It will ultimately be used as a prototype for a digital pet web/mobile app.

View the source code!

School data icon

School Budget Visualization

As part of Girl Develop It and Code for Philly's Summer of Open Source fellowship program, I've been contributing to a fork of Code For Philly's website, which converts budget data from Philadelphia's school system into graphs using d3.js. My work on the project involves developing a json formatter to format raw csv data, and a suite of javascript functions for searching, comparing, and adjusting said json. This will replace a back-end php solution that was removed from the site to simplify set-up.

View an article about the program on Philly

View the source code!

man and a turtle in a boat

Dangerous Waters

A game I made mainly to see how much can be done with vanilla HTML and CSS. I used as little javascript as possible. Animations are 100% CSS. Please note that there are some usability restrictions right now. It is only functioning in Safari and Chrome, and though it scales well and looks good on mobile, it isn't playable yet because of the game's reliance on the hover state.

View the source code!

man and a turtle in a boat

Bloomsburg Children's Museum

A site for a fictional Children's Museum in Bloomsburg PA. It isn't responsive yet, but is built on a fluid grid, and contains a fluid form with javascript input-checking. It is mostly finished, with the exception of the exhibits sub pages, which all still need a good deal of work.

View the source code!



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More Coming Soon!!

Responsive Frameworks

More Coming Soon!!


More Coming Soon!!


More Coming Soon!!


More Coming Soon!!

Hybrid App Development

Coming August 2015


Coming September 2015

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Flash

Vector Illustration

2D Animation

Command Line / Terminal


Coming April 2015


Get in touch


See this page's source on github!